Women and the Religion of Ancient Israel (Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library)
Turkey Under Erdogan: How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West
The Normans: Power, Conquest and Culture in 11th Century Europe
Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics--And How to Cure It
This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism
The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler
Woman: The American History of an Idea
Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II
The Women Who Saved the English Countryside
Vaudeville Indians on Global Circuits, 1880s-1930s (The Henry Roe Cloud American Indians and Modernity)
Competitive Arms Control: Nixon, Kissinger, and Salt, 1969-1972
The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America
Power and Justice in Medieval England: The Law of Patronage and the Royal Courts (Yale Law Library Legal History and Reference)
Mission France: The True History of the Women of SOE
Bletchley Park and D-Day
The Invention of China
Playing Indian (Yale Historical Publications)
Cairo 1921: Ten Days That Made the Middle East
Hoax: The Popish Plot That Never Was
The Return of the State: And Why It Is Essential for Our Health, Wealth and Happiness