Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media
**Forthcoming 21 February 2023** Pre-Order Now to reserve a copy! **สั่งจองล่วงหน้าได้เลยเพื่อให้ได้รับอย่างรวดเร็วเมื่อหนังสือออก**
A "highly readable and compelling" account (Science) of brainwashing's pervasive role in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Tracing these developments through many of the past century's major conflagrations, Dimsdale narrates how when World War II erupted, governments secretly raced to develop drugs for interrogation. Brainwashing returned to the spotlight during the Cold War in the hands of the North Koreans and Chinese. In response, a huge Manhattan Project of the Mind was established to study memory obliteration, indoctrination during sleep, and hallucinogens. Cults used the techniques as well. Nobel laureates, university academics, intelligence operatives, criminals, and clerics all populate this shattering and dark story--one that hasn't yet ended.
304 pages, Softcover, February 2023.
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