Genesis by Sebastião Salgado (Autographed copy)
Sebastião Salgado. Children by TASCHEN
Miguel Rio Branco. Maldicidade by Paulo Herkenhoff
The Polaroid Book by Barbara Hitchcock
Photographers A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle
Photo Icons. 50 Landmark Photographs and Their Stories by Hans-Michael Koetzle
Midcentury Memories. The Anonymous Project by Lee Shulman
Steve McCurry: Animals (Autographed copy)
Norman Mailer. Moonfire. The Epic Journey of Apollo 11 by Norman Mailer
Norman Mailer. JFK. Superman Comes to the Supermarket by Norman Mailer
Annie Leibovitz. The Early Years. 1970-1983 by Luc Sante
Lewis W. Hine. America at Work by Peter Walther
Her Majesty: A Photographic History 1926-Today by Christopher Warwick
NK Guy. Art of Burning Man by NK Guy
Germany 1900. A Portrait in Colour by Karin Lelonek
Anne Geddes. Small World by Holly Stuart Hughes
Expanding Universe. The Hubble Space Telescope by Charles F. Bolden
The Dog in Photography 1839-Today by Raymond Merritt
Walter Chandoha: Dogs Photographs 1941-1991 by Reuel Golden
James Baldwin. Steve Schapiro. the Fire Next Time by James Baldwin