Massimo Listri. The World's Most Beautiful Libraries by
Keiichi Tahara: Architecture Fin-De-Siècle by Riichi Miyake
Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s by Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell
Arctica: The Vanishing North by Sebastian Copeland (Autographed copy)
Amazônia by Sebastião Salgado
Bob Willoughby. Audrey Hepburn. Photographs 1953-1966 by Bob Willoughby
Stephen Wilkes. Day to Night by Lyle Rexer
Wolfgang Tillmans. Four Books. 40th Anniversary Edition by Wolfgang Tillmans
Sebastião Salgado. Children by TASCHEN
Miguel Rio Branco. Maldicidade by Paulo Herkenhoff
The Polaroid Book by Barbara Hitchcock
Photographers A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle
Photo Icons. 50 Landmark Photographs and Their Stories by Hans-Michael Koetzle
Midcentury Memories. The Anonymous Project by Lee Shulman
Norman Mailer. Moonfire. The Epic Journey of Apollo 11 by Norman Mailer
Norman Mailer. JFK. Superman Comes to the Supermarket by Norman Mailer
Annie Leibovitz. The Early Years. 1970-1983 by Luc Sante
Lewis W. Hine. America at Work by Peter Walther
Her Majesty: A Photographic History 1926-Today by Christopher Warwick
NK Guy. Art of Burning Man by NK Guy