Get the Picture: A Mind-Bending Journey Among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to See
The Flowering: The Autobiography of Judy Chicago
Frida: Style Icon: A Celebration of the Remarkable Style of Frida Kahlo
Audrey Hepburn: The Illustrated World of a Fashion Icon
Picasso's War: How Modern Art Came to America
Basquiat: A Graphic Novel
Tracey Emin (Art File)
Watermarks: Leonardo Da Vinci and the Mastery of Nature
Sofonisba's Lesson: A Renaissance Artist and Her Work
Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day
Sargent, Whistler, and Venetian Glass: American Artists and the Magic of Murano
Rbg A to Z: The Life of an Icon from ACLU to Gen Z by Nadia Bailey
Mary Weatherford: Canyon―Daisy―Eden by Ian Berry
Saved: My Picture World by Diane Keaton
A History of the World (in Dingbats): Drawings & Words by David Byrne
I Was Better Last Night: A Memoir by Harvey Fierstein
Art of the Baltic States by Serge Fauchereau
Rembrandt (World of Art) by Christopher White
The British Surrealists by Desmond Morris
Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe by Emma Ridgway