Magellan's Voyage: A Narrative Account of the First Circumnavigation / Volume I, II (2-Volume Set) by Antonio Pigafetta
"Magellan's Voyage: A Narrative Account of the First Circumnavigation" by Antonio Pigafetta is a compelling historical narrative that chronicles one of the greatest maritime expeditions in history. Pigafetta, an Italian scholar and explorer, provides a firsthand account of Ferdinand Magellan's ambitious journey to circumnavigate the globe in the 16th century.
[summarized by ChatGPT & edited by Hardcover]
Volume 1 and 2
20cm x 30cm, Hardcover, 1969 (Condition: As New / Fine)
Condition Definition:
As New / Fine = New or almost without defect
Very Good = Showing signs of wear
Good / Fair = A bit worn but complete, with defects noted
Poor = worn with visible defects
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