Chanhu-daro excavations, 1935-36
Ancient Egypt: The Acanthus History of Sculpture
The Mond Collection (Volume 1)
Orfebreria Prehispanica De Colombia
Excavations at Hacilar (2 Volumes) by James Mellaart
Blake and Tradition by Kathleen Raine
The Cambridge History of China, Volume 8: The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 2
The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 7: The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 1
The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 6: Alien Regimes and Border States, 907-1368
The Dai or the Tai and their Architecture & Customs in South China by Zhu Liangwen
Histoire Ancienne de l’Orient by Francois Lenormant
T'ai Shan: An Account of the Sacred Eastern Peak of China by Dwight Condo Baker
A Short History of India and Pakistan: From Ancient Times to Present by T. Walter Wallbank
Amazing Grace by John Pollock
Polynesian Seafaring by Edward Dodd (Volume 2: The Ring of Fire)
Treasure of the Concepcion: The Archaeological Recovery of a Spanish Galleon by William M. Mathers & Nancy Shaw
The Gate of Heavenly Peace by Jonathan D. Spence
Structural Sensitivity in Econometric Models by Edwin Kuh, John W. Neese & Peter Hollinger
Bamboo Palace: Discovering the Lost Dynasty of Laos by Christopher Kremmer
From the Mouth of the Dark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya by Karen Bassie-Sweet