Amazonia: Man and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise by Betty J. Meggers
Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History from 1500 to the Present Day by Marcel Dunan
The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe by Marija Gimbutas
Arts of Ancient Mexico by Jacques Soustelle
Attic Red-Figured Vases - Volume 1 and 2 (2-Volume Set)
Die Eisenzeit beginnt - Die Kelten in Mitteleuropa
Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the History of Nature by Stephen Jay Gould
The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes by Richard F. Townsend
The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery by Joseph Veach Noble
Akhenaten: The Heretic King by Donald B. Redford
Art of the Maya by Ferdinand Anton
Ancient Art: The Norbert Schimmel Collection by Oscar White Muscarella
Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques by Raoul D' Harcourt
Provincial Power in the Inka Empire by Terence N. D'Altroy
The Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles by Stuart Piggott
Oxford Encyclopedia of World History
Economic Prehistory: Papers on Archaeology
Gold of the Andes - Treasures of Peru
The Paradise Garden Murals of Malinalco: Utopia and Empire in Sixteenth-Century Mexico by Jeanette Favrot Peterson
Glory Road by Bruce Catton