Christoph Niemann: Souvenir
Carré a Vintage Scarf Collection
Design Things That Make Sense: Tech. Innovator's Guide
The Sign Painting: A Practical Guide to Tools, Materials, and Techniques
100 Ideas That Changed Design (100 Ideas)
Creativity Begins with You: 31 Practical Workshops to Explore Your Creative Potential
Folding Techniques for Designers Second Edition
Repair: Encouragement to Think and Make
Designing a World for Everyone: 30 Years of Inclusive Design
The IBM Poster Program: Visual Memoranda
Creative Leadership: Born from Design (Designing Now)
Menu Design in Europe
Terence: The Man Who Invented Design by Roger Mavity and Stephen Bayley
Schweizer Grand Prix Design 2021: Julia Born, Peter Knapp, Sarah Owens
10 Principles of Good Design Today
Bulgari: Serpenti: The Power of Metamorphosis
The Modern Guide to Antique Jewellery
Wristwatch Annual 2022: The Catalog of Producers, Prices, Models, and Specifications (Wristwatch Annual)
Louis Vuitton: L'Audacieux
For the Love of Bags