Micaiah Carter: What's My Name
The Portrait Photographer's Manual by Cian Oba-Smith
Lee Miller: Photographs by Antony Penrose
Reclaim the Street: Street Photography's Moment by Stephen McLaren
Retro Cameras: The Collector's Guide to Vintage Film Photography by John Wade
Jim Naughten: Eremozoic
Yasser Alwan: Egypt Every Day
Walter Chandoha. Cats. Photographs 1942-2018
Sebastião Salgado. Amazônia
Massimo Listri. Cabinet of Curiosities. (40th Edition)
Kai Wiedenhöfer: Wall and Peace
Mark Peterson: White Noise
Daido Moriyama
Equivalents: Scott Mead
Great English Interiors
Temporary Pleasure: Nightclub Architecture, Design and Culture from the 1960s to Today
Valie Export: Photography
The Unseen Saul Leiter
Roger Ballen: Boyhood
Presence: The Photography Collection of Judy Glickman Lauder