Splat!: The Most Exciting Artists of All Time
Glow: The Wild Wonders of Bioluminescence
Incredible You by Rhys Brisenden
Summer by Hattie Spires
Everything Is Mine by Andrea D'Aquino
The Twin Dogs by Chihiro Inoue
Like a Giant by Marc Daniau
Meet the Artist: Andy Warhol by Rose Blake
Lost by Alexandra Mirzac
In the Forest by Anouck Boisrobert
The Great Paint by Alex Willmore
Meet the Artist: Sophie Taeuber-Arp by Lesley Barnes
Meet the Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe by Marina Muun
Chasing Rainbows by Gabby Grant
How the Stars Came to Be: Deluxe Edition by Poonam Mistry
Mildred the Gallery Cat by Jono Ganz
Malola's Museum Adventures: Career Day by Joelle Avelino
In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort
The Fragile World by Alexandra Mîrzac
Once Upon a Time in Persia by Sahar Doustar