FOREIGNERS WITHIN THE GATES: THE LEGATIONS AT PEKING 城门内的外国人:北京使馆区 by Michael J. Moser and Yeone Wei-chih Moser (Editions: Chinese, English, German)
Workstead: Interiors of Beauty and Necessity
园说Ⅱ——颐和园建园270周年文物特展 The Story of Garden II: 270 Years of the Summer Palace
大稻埕賣小藝: 世代街区十年创生
建筑紫禁城 [Architecture of the Forbidden City]
明清皇宮五百年 [500 Years of Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties]
梁思成《图像中国建筑史》手绘图 [Liang Sicheng's Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture (Hand-drawing Volume]
紫禁城全景实录 [Panoramic Record of the Forbidden City]