25,000 Years of Jewelry by Maren Eichhorn-Johannsen
A Passion for Jewelry: Secrets to Collecting, Understanding, and Caring for your Jewelry
Adornment and Splendour: Jewels of the Indian Courts by Salam Kaoukji
Ancient Jewellery of Myanmar: From Prehistory to Pyu Period by Terence Tan
Bulgari - Roma: Travel Tales for Beauty Lovers by Jan Kralicek
Chanel High Jewelry
Chaumet: Drawing from Nature
Coveted: Art and Innovation in High Jewelry by Melanie Grant
Jewelry Stories: Highlights from the Collection 1947-2019
Le Bijou Dessiné: Designing Jewels
Modern British Jewellery Designers: A Collector's Guide by Mary Ann Wingfield
Peter Carl Faberge, Goldsmith and Jeweller to The Russian Imperial Court: His Life and Work by Henry Charles Bainbridge
SRI LANKA & BURMA GEMS BOOK SET 2 Volumes by Vladyslav Y. Yavorskyy
Tadema Gallery London: Jewellery from the 1860s to 1960s by Beatriz Chadour-Sampson
The Fabergé Museum: Directors' Choice by Vladimir Voronchenko
Tiaras of Dreams, Dreaming of Tiaras by Michèle Gazier