A Bibliography of African Art by Gaskin, L.J.P.
Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Culture by Claudia Zaslavsky
African Art in American Collections. L'Art Africain Dans Les Collections Americaines. by Warren Robbins
African Art of the Dogon: The Myths of the Cliff Dwellers by Jean Laude
African Furniture and Household Objects by Roy Sieber
African Majesty: The Textile Art of the Ashanti and Ewe by Peter Adler
African Sculpture by Ladislas Segy
African sculpture from the collection of Jay C. Leff
African tribal sculpture: from the collection of Ernst and Ruth Anspach by Ernst Anspach
Afrika. Kunst aus dem Schwarzen Erdteil
Afrique Noire. La Creation Plastique by Michel Leiris & Jacqueline Delange
An Introduction to Benin Art and Technology by Philip John Crosskey Dark
Antique Works of Art from Benin by Augustus Pitt-Rivers
Antiquities of North Ethiopia: A Guide by Otto A. Jager
Art in Nigeria, 1960 by Ulli Beier
Arts of West Africa (Excluding Music) by Michael E. Sadler
Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience by Frank M. Snowden Jr.
Bush Negro Art: An African Art in the Americas
Centres De Style de la Sculpture Negre Africaine. by Carl Kjersmeier
Classical African Sculpture by Margaret Trowell