A History of Art History
A History of the Western Art Market: A Sourcebook of Writings on Artists, Dealers, and Markets by Titia Hulst
A New Way of Seeing: The History of Art in 57 Works by Kelly Grovier
Alain Locke and the Visual Arts (Richard D. Cohen Lectures on African & African American Art)
Art and Its Market by Dirk Boll
Artists on Art: How They See, Think & Create by Holly Black
Brutal Aesthetics: Dubuffet, Bataille, Jorn, Paolozzi, Oldenburg (Bollingen #624)
Chinese Painting and Its Audiences
Contemporary Sculpture: Artists' Writings and Interviews
Critical Revolutionaries: Five Critics Who Changed the Way We Read
Curating & Politics
Curating Capitalism: How Art Impacts Business, Management, and Economy
de Young 125 by Ann Heath Karlstrom
Diane Arbus Documents
Emerson's Nature and the Artists: Idea as Landscape, Landscape as Idea by Tyler Green
Flashback, Eclipse: The Political Imaginary of Italian Art in the 1960s
Funny Weather: Art in an Emergency by Olivia Laing
Get the Picture: A Mind-Bending Journey Among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to See
Global Objects: Toward a Connected Art History
Heretical Aesthetics: Pasolini on Painting by Pier Paolo Pasolini