Battle of the Sexes: From Franz Von Stuck to Frida Kahlo (Prestel)
Bauhaus: Living Art (Prestel)
Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933 (Prestel)
Bhupen Khakhar: You Can't Please All (Tate)
Biennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History: 1962-2002 (Phaidon)
Big Mother # 4: Raymond Lemstra (Limited Edition)
Blue Boy & Co: European Art at the Huntington (Prestel)
Botticelli (Prestel)
Bruce Nauman: The True Artist (Phaidon)
Cai Guo-Qiang: Ladder to the Sky (Prestel)
Casita de Turrón (La Fabrica)
Ceci N'est Pas Une Copie: Design Between Innovation and Imitation (Lannoo)
Celtic Art (Phaidon)
Chagall (Tate)
Chairs by Architects (Phaidon)
Charles Atlas (Prestel)
China: The New Generation (Skira)
Chip Kidd: Book Two (Rizzoli)
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (Prestel)