Factory: Andy Warhol
Fornasetti: The Complete Universe (Rizzoli)
Frame Figure Field - Delhi Art Gallery Collection (Delhi Art Gallery)
Francis Bacon
Frank Auerbach: Speaking and Painting (Thames & Hudson)
Frank Lloyd Wright - Die lebendige Stadt: Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte in Dortmund von Januar bis April 2000 (Vitra Design Museum)
Frans Hals (Phaidon)
Frederic Bazille and the Birth of Impressionism (Flammarion)
Frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art (Phaidon)
Furniture with Soul: Master Woodworkers and Their Craft (Kodansha)
George Nelson: Architect, Writer, Designer, Teacher (Vitra Design Museum)
Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life 1928-1945 (Prestel)
Georgia O'Keeffe: The Poetry of Things (Yale University)
Gerrit Rietveld (Vitra Design Museum)
Gilles Porret - Synthétique (Infolio)
Goya (Prestel)
Graphics And Industry (Corraini Edizioni)
Great Works: Encounters with Art (Prestel)
Gustav Klimt : Landscapes (Art Flexi Series)