One Thousand Years of Ancient Greek Vases
Origins of the American Navy by Raymond G. O'Connor (SIGNED)
Oud-Iraanse Kunst: Prehistorie, Protohistorie
Palenque: The Walker-Caddy Expedition to the Ancient Maya City, 1839-1840 by David M. Pendergast
Prehistoric Rock Art of the Federation Rhodesia & Nyasaland by Roger Summers
Prehistoric Rock Pictures in Europe and Africa by Leo Frobenius
Primitive Negro Sculpture by Guillaume and Munro
Sacred Circles: Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art
Sasanian Silver: Late Antique and Early Mediaeval Arts of Luxury from Iran
Sculpture of Northern Nigeria by Roy Sieber
Sweet Track to Glastonbury: The Somerset Levels in Prehistory (New Aspects of Antiquity) by Byrony & John Coles
Temples and Tombs of Ancient Nubia: The International Rescue Campaign at Abu Simbel, Philae and Other Sites by Torgny Save-Soderbergh
Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques by Raoul D' Harcourt
The Barakat Gallery: A Catalogue of the Collection Volume 1
The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art by Linda Schele
The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe by Marija Gimbutas
The Excavations at Helwan by aki Yusef Saad
The Hidden Tombs of Memphis by Geoffrey T. Martin
The Incas and their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru by Michael E. Moseley
The Innocent Artists: Student Art from Papua New Guinea by Catherine Baker