How to Build Stonehenge by Mike Pitts
Imagining Empire: Designing the Commonwealth Institute
Imagining the Future Museum: 24 Dialogues with Architects
Institut Jules Bordet Instituut
Italian Architectural Drawings from the Cronstedt Collection in the Nationalmuseum
Julius Shulman: Modernism Rediscovered by Pierluigi Serraino
Kay Fisker: Danish Functionalism and Block-Based Housing
Kerry Hill Architects: Complete Works
La+ Green (Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture)
Landscape as Urbanism: A General Theory
Living in Houses: A Personal History of English Domestic Architecture
London 1870-1914: A City at Its Zenith
Mid-Century Britain: Modern Architecture 1938-1963 by Elain Harwood
Mid-Rise Urban Living
Modern Architecture and Climate: Design Before Air Conditioning
Modern Forms: An Expanded Subjective Atlas of 20th-Century Architecture
Mounton House: The Birth and Rebirth of an Edwardian Country Home
Nick Eldridge: Unique Houses
Pitsou Kedem Architects: Twenty-Five Selected Projects
Planning and Participation (Concise Guides to Planning)