Imagine Buildings Floating Like Clouds: Thoughts and Visions of Contemporary Architecture from 101 Key Creatives
Imagining Empire: Designing the Commonwealth Institute
In Memory of: Designing Contemporary Memorials by Spencer Bailey
In Perfect Shape
Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe
Interiors Now! by TASCHEN
Introduction to Architectural Technology by William McLean
Inventing the California Look: Interiors by Frances Elkins, Michael Taylor, John Dickinson, and Other Design in Novators
Island Follies: Romantic Homes of the Bahamas: The Tropical Architecture of Henry Melich
Italian Architectural Drawings from the Cronstedt Collection in the Nationalmuseum
Jean Nouvel by Jean Nouvel. 1981-2022
Jean-Louis Deniot: Destinations
Jose Dávila: Monograph
Julia Morgan: The Road to San Simeon, Visionary Architect of the California Renaissance
Julia Watson. Lo--Tek. Design by Radical Indigenism
Kay Fisker: Danish Functionalism and Block-Based Housing
Kazuo Shinohara: The Umbrella House Project
Keiichi Tahara: Architecture Fin-De-Siècle by Riichi Miyake
Kerry Hill Architects: Complete Works
Knole: A Private View of One of Britain's Great Houses