Postwar Modern: New Art in Britain 1945-65
Pre-Columbian Art of Mexico and Central America by Hasso Von Winning
Pre-Raphaelites (Tate Introductions)
Prime: Art's Next Generation
Prop Man: From John Wick to Silver Linings Playbook, from Boardwalk Empire to Parks and Recreation
Queer British Art: 1867-1967
Queer Tattoo
Quentin Blake by Joanna Carey
Quentin Blake: Pens Ink & Places
Rabih Mroué Interviews
Radical Art and the Formation of the Avant-Garde
Radical Landscapes
Rafael Megall: Idols and Icons by Demetrio Paparoni
Rana Begum: Space Light Colour
Raphael (World of Art) by Raphael ( World of Art )
Raphael by Christof Thoenes
Raphael. The Complete Paintings, Frescoes, Tapestries, Architecture
Rembrandt (World of Art) by Christopher White
Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print: His Master Etching (Northern Lights)
Rembrandt's Orient: West Meets East in Dutch Art of the 17th Century by Ortrud Westheider