The African Lookbook: A Visual History of 100 Years of African Women by Catherine E. McKinley
The Art of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl
The Art of Feminism: Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality (Updated and Expanded)
The Art of Medieval Spain A.D. 500 - 1200
The Art of Pin-Up
The Art of Print: From Hogarth to Hockney
The Art of Walking: A History in 100 Images
The Artist in the Counterculture: Bruce Conner to Mike Kelley and Other Tales from the Edge
The Asian Galleries by Robert D. Jacobsen
The Berlin Painter and His World: Athenian Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth Century B.C.
The Blue Rider: Group Dynamics
The Book of Black
The British Surrealists by Desmond Morris
The Dog by Emilia Will
The Drawings of Vincent Van Gogh by Christopher Lloyd
The Ecal Manual of Style: How to Best Teach Design Today? by Jonathan Olivares
The Environment and Ecology in Islamic Art and Culture
The Fantastic Gustave Doréc
The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta
The Films of Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne: 1963-1965