Hannah Höch
Hannah Wilke: Art for Life's Sake
Hans Arp: 20 Sketchbooks
he Natural History of Edward Lear
Heidelberger Neuerwerbungen 1957 - 1970 by Roland Hampe
Helene Appel
Hello, I Am Erik: Erik Spiekermann: Typographer, Designer, Entrepreneur
Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs
Henry Scott Tuke by Cicely Robinson
Heretical Aesthetics: Pasolini on Painting by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Hidden Heritage: Rediscovering Britain's Relationship with the Orient
High Street (Victoria and Albert Museum) by J. M. Richards
Hilma AF Klint and Piet Mondrian: Forms of Life by Nabila Abdel Nabi
Himalayan Art in 108 Objects by Karl Debreczeny
Hiroshige. One Hundred Famous Views of EDO
Hirst-Isms by Damien Hirst
His Name Is Banksy
History of Modern Design (Third Edition) by David Raizman
Hogarth (World of Art) by David Bindham
Hogarth and Europe by Martin Myrone