Renoir: Father and Son / Painting and Cinema: Painting and Cinema
Renoir: Rococo Revival
Restitution: The Return of Cultural Artefacts by Alexander Herman
Restoration: The Fall of Napoleon in the Course of European Art, 1812-1820
Revisiting Modern British Art
Rhs Orchids by Charlotte Brooks
Richard Hambleton: Godfather of Street Art
Robert Motherwell Drawings: A Catalogue Raisonne
Robert Rauschenberg (Tate Introductions)
Rodin in the United States: Confronting the Modern
Roni Horn: Weather Reports You
Roy Lichtenstein by Klaus Albrecht Schröder
Rubens: Masters of Art by Michael Robinson
Rudolph Ihlee: The Road to Collioure
Saito Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening by Rhiannon Paget
Sargent, Whistler, and Venetian Glass: American Artists and the Magic of Murano
Sarkis: In the Beginning, Istanbul 19380-20200
Sasanian Silver: Late Antique and Early Mediaeval Arts of Luxury from Iran
Saul Steinberg: Between the Lines
Schiele: Masters of Art