The Marquis de Sade and the Avant-Garde
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin - Summer 1983 Colonial Silver
The Native Born: Objects and Representations of Ramingining, Arnhem Land
The Painter's Touch: Boucher, Chardin, Fragonard
The Painters of the Sacred Heart: André Bauchant, Camille Bombois, Séraphine Louis, Henri Rousseau, Louis Vivin
The Picasso Connection: The Artist and His Gallerist
The Pottery of John Ward
The Pre-Raphaelite Language of Flowers by Debra N Mancoff
The Radical Vision of Edward Burne-Jones
The Real and the Romantic: English Art Between Two World Wars by Frances Spalding
The Renaissance Cities: Art in Florence, Rome and Venice by Norbert Wolf
The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry by Walter Pater
The Rise and Rise of the Private Art Museum
The Ronald S. Lauder Collection
The Scrimshander by William Gilkerson
The Sculpture of Polynesia by Allen Wardwell
The Self-Portrait: Art Essentials by Natalie Rudd
The Seventh BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors
The Shape of Freedom: International Abstraction After 1945
The Smoking Gods: Tobacco in Maya Art, History, and Religion by Francis Robicsek