Wangechi Mutu by Adrienne Edwards (Phaidon Contemporary Artists)
Warhol-Isms by Andy Warhol
Water, Wind, Breath: Southwest Native Art in the Barnes Foundation
Watermarks: Leonardo Da Vinci and the Mastery of Nature
Wayne Thiebaud by Ulf Küster
Wayne Thiebaud: Updated Edition by Kenneth Baker
We Are Made of Stories: Self-Taught Artists in the Robson Family Collection
Wedgwood: Craft & Design by Catrin Jones
What Great Paintings Say. Italian Renaissance by Rainer & Rose-Marie Hagen
What is Black Art?
What Would Frida Do?: A Guide to Living Boldly
White: The History of a Color
Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It's Kept
Wild Flowers of North America: Botanical Illustrations by Mary Vaux Walcott
William Blake (Tate British Artists)
William Blake by Kathleen Raine
William Burges's Great Bookcase and the Victorian Colour Revolution
William Hogarth: Visions in Print
William Kentridge: Catalogue Raisonné Volume 1: Prints and Posters 1974-1990
William Kentridge: Domestic Scenes