Chinese Architecture: A History
City of Gold: The Archaeology of Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus
Civilization of the Old Sudan: Kerma, Kush, Christian Nubia by Fritz Hintze and Ursula Hintze
Cleopatra: Her History, Her Myth (Ancient Lives)
Competitive Arms Control: Nixon, Kissinger, and Salt, 1969-1972
Copan: Home of the Mayan Gods by Francis Robicsek
Cornwallis: Soldier and Statesman in a Revolutionary World
Critical Revolutionaries: Five Critics Who Changed the Way We Read
Crossing the Pomerium: The Boundaries of Political, Religious, and Military Institutions from Caesar to Constantine
Cylindres et Cachets Orientaux - Volume 3/6
Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media
Development of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nanking: Nanking, China, 1926-1946
Die Eisenzeit beginnt - Die Kelten in Mitteleuropa
Early Greek Armour and Weapons: From the End of the Bronze Age to 600 B.C
East Is a Big Bird: Navigation and Logic on Puluwat Atoll by Thomas Gladwin
Ecology of Dakota Landscapes: Past, Present, and Future
Economic Prehistory: Papers on Archaeology
Egyptian Mythology: A Traveler's Guide from Aswan to Alexandria by Garry J. Shaw
Elizabeth II: Princess, Queen, Icon
Empires of Eurasia: How Imperial Legacies Shape International Security