Monuments Man: The Mission to Save Vermeers, Rembrandts, and Da Vincis from the Nazis' Grasp
Mudlark'd: Hidden Histories from the River Thames
My Egypt Archive
Natural History
Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition
Orfebreria Prehispanica De Colombia
Oxford Encyclopedia of World History
Palenque: The Walker-Caddy Expedition to the Ancient Maya City, 1839-1840 by David M. Pendergast
Pergamon by Vehbi Bayraktar
Persia: From the Origins to Alexander the Great by Roman Ghirshman
Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens by John Travlos
Plague, Pestilence and Pandemic: Voices from History by Peter Furtado
Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism
Playing Indian (Yale Historical Publications)
Plundering Paradise: The Hand of Man on the Galapagos Islands by Michael D'Orso
Polynesian Seafaring by Edward Dodd (Volume 2: The Ring of Fire)
Power and Justice in Medieval England: The Law of Patronage and the Royal Courts (Yale Law Library Legal History and Reference)
Priene, Miletus, Didyma by Suzan Bayhan
Provincial Power in the Inka Empire by Terence N. D'Altroy
Queen Elizabeth II: A Photographic Portrait by Phillip Ziegler