Photography after Postmodernism: Barthes, Stieglitz and the Art of Memory
Photography, a Feminist History
Photography: A Cultural History by Mary Warner Marien (Fourth Edition)
Photography: History. Art. Technique by Tom Ang
Photography: The Whole Story by Juliet Hacking
Presence: The Photography Collection of Judy Glickman Lauder
Ralph Ellison: Photographer
Ren Hang
Retro Cameras: The Collector's Guide to Vintage Film Photography by John Wade
Robert Adams: Eden
Robert Adams: Los Angeles Spring
Robert Adams: On Lookout Mountain
Robert Doisneau: Music
Robert Frank: Books and Films, 1947-2019 by John Farrel
Roger Ballen: Boyhood
Sebastian Posingis: Salt River
Sebastião Salgado. Amazônia
Send Me an Image: From Postcards to Social Media by Felix Hoffman
Shigeru Onishi: Mathematical Structures
Sibylle Bergemann: Photographs 1966-2010