孽子 白先勇著长篇小说
建筑紫禁城 [Architecture of the Forbidden City]
徐冰:思想与方法 Xu Bing: Thought & Method
明清皇宮五百年 [500 Years of Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties]
梁思成《图像中国建筑史》手绘图 [Liang Sicheng's Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture (Hand-drawing Volume]
紫禁城全景实录 [Panoramic Record of the Forbidden City]
良渚与古代中国: 玉器显示的五千年文明 [Liangzhu Culture and Ancient China: Jade Carving and 5,000 Years Civilization] ]
蒙元时期山西地区全真教艺术研究 [Research on the Arts of Quanzhen Sect in Shanxi under the Mongol Yuan Dynasty]
行書編 [Dictionary of Running Script]
隈研吾建築図鑑 [An Illustrated Survey of Kenko Kuma's Architecture]
高麗仏画 : 香りたつ装飾美 The Fragrant Sublime: Koryo Buddhist Paintings