Fred Herzog: Black and White
Fred Herzog: Modern Color
Fringe of the Fringe: Queering Punk Media History
Fujiko Nakaya: Resilience
Georg Baselitz: Naked Masters
George Byrne: Post Truth
Gormley/Lehmbruck: Calling on the Body
Guido Reni
Günter Zachariasen: Infinite Now
Hannah Hallermann: Tools & Tales for Transformation
Helene Appel
Hendrik Beikirch: Warriors by Hendrik Beikrich
Idols & Rivals: Artistic Competition in Antiquity and the Early Modern Era
Imagining the Future Museum: 24 Dialogues with Architects
Institut Jules Bordet Instituut
Italian Architectural Drawings from the Cronstedt Collection in the Nationalmuseum
Jakub Julian Ziólkowski: Jestescie Moi / You Are Mine
Jasmina Cibic: Most Favoured Nation
Jean Molitor: Bau2haus: More Modernism Around the Globe by Jean Molitor
Jean-Michel Basquiat: Art and Objecthood