The Finest Colors for Artists: The History of the Art Paint Factory H. Schmincke & Co. by JORGE LESCZENSKI
The Poster: 200 Years of Art and History by Jurgen Doring
The Pre-Raphaelite Language of Flowers by Debra N Mancoff
The Renaissance Cities: Art in Florence, Rome and Venice by Norbert Wolf
The Sun: The Source of Light in Art
The Watch: A Twentieth Century Style History by Alexander Barter
The World Explained in 264 Infographics by Jan Schwochow
The World of Analog: A Visual Guide by Deyan Sudjic
Tiny Houses by Sandra Leitte
To Asia, with Love: Everyday Asian Recipes and Stories from the Heart by Hetty McKinnon
Toshio Shibata: Japan by Phillip Prodger
Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art by Lotte Johnson
Valie Export: Photography
Van Gogh: The Essential Paintings by Valérie Mettai
Viviane Sassen: Phosphor
Wild Child: Adventure Cooking with Kids by Sarah Glover
Women Photographers: From Anna Atkins to Newsha Tavakolian by Boris Friedewald
Women Photographers: From Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman by Boris Friedewald
Women Street Photographers by Gulnara Samoilova