Liz Deschenes (Prestel)
Logograma (Basheer)
London Deco
Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture (Vitra Design Museum)
Louise Fishman (Prestel)
Luis Barragan, Die Stille Revolution (Skira)
Machine Rendering
Making Africa: a continent of contemporary design (Vitra Design Museum)
Man Ray in Paris (Tate)
Marcel Breuer: Design and Architecture (Vitra Design Museum)
Mario Bellini (Phaidon)
Marisa Merz: The Sky Is a Great Space (Prestel)
Mark di Suvero (Prestel)
Master Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago (Art Institute of Chicago)
Masterpiece: No. 2 : Jan van Eyck (Lannoo)
Masterpiece: Peter Paul Rubens (Lannoo)
Material Change: Design Thinking and the Social Entrepreneurship Movement (Metropolis Books)
Matisse (Tate)
Max Beckmann at the Saint Louis Art Museum: The Paintings (Prestel)
Max Beckmann: The Still Lifes (Prestel)