Paul Klee: Irony at Work (Prestel)
Paul Klee: Selected by Genius (Art Flexi Series)
Phenomena - Sara Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen, Tobias Selnaes Markussen (Andre Frere)
PHOTOGRAPHY : The groundbreaking moments
Photography, Modern Architecture, and Design: The Alberto Sartoris Collection : Objects from the Vitra Design Museum (Vitra Design Museum)
Piecebook (Prestel)
Pink Up Your Life! The World of Pink Design (Braun)
Plain Black: Abstract Paintings (Kavi Gupta)
Play with Me: Dolls - Women - Art (Laurence King)
Please Touch: Sculpture for a City (Prestel)
Pop Art (Tate)
Pop Art Design (Vitra Design Museum)
Postdigital Artisans: Craftmanship with a New Aesthetic in Fashion, Art, Design and Architecture (Frame)
Poster Collection 24: The Magic of Things (Lars Müller)
Postomdernism (Tate)
Project Vitra: Sites, Products, Authors, Museum, Collections, Signs; Chronology, Glossary (Vitra Design Museum)
Raymond Pettibon: A Pen of All Work (Phaidon)
Rembrandt (Prestel)
Renaissance & Reformation: German Art in the Age of Dürer and Cranach (Prestel)
Retail Shopping Bags (Basheer)