Burning the Big House: The Story of the Irish Country House in a Time of War and Revolution
By Design: The World's Best Contemporary Interior Designers
By the Rivers of Babylon (Margellos World Republic of Letters)
By the Wall: The Story of Hansa Studios Berlin
Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender, and Race in the Middle Ages
Cairo 1921: Ten Days That Made the Middle East
California Crazy. American Pop Architecture by Jim Heimann
California: An American History
Camille Pissarro: The Studio of Modernism by Christophe Duvivier
Campaign of the Century: Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960
Campaign of the Century: Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960 by Irwin F. Gellman
Capitalism: The Story Behind the Word
Captain America: Avenger, Hero, Icon by Rich Johnson
Captivate!: Fashion Photography from the '90s by Claudia Schiffer
Caravaggio by Gilles Lambert
Caravaggio. The Complete Works
Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa
Caribbean Art (World of Art) by Veerle Poupeye
Carlo Colombo Industrial Design by Maria Vittoria Capitanucci