Haegue Yang: Emergence by Adelina Vlas
Hiroshige: Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces by Anne Sefrioui
Hiroshige: Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji by Joycelyn Bouquillard
Hokusai: Prints and Drawings by Matthi Forrer
Hokusai: Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji by Amelie Balcou
Impressionism: Masters of Art
Impressionism: Reimagining Art by Norbert Wolf
Impressionism: The Hasso Plattner Collection by Ortrud Westheider
Indian Tiles: Architectural Ceramics from Sultanate and Mughal India and Pakistan by Arthur Millner
Isamu Noguchi by Fabienne Eggelhöfer
Islamic Art: Architecture, Painting, Calligraphy, Ceramics, Glass, Carpets by Luca Mozzati
Japan's Best Friend: Dog Culture in the Land of the Rising Sun by Manami Okazaki
Jean Dubuffet: Brutal Beauty by Eleanor Nairne
Joseph Beuys Posters by Rene Spiegelberger
La Table by Celine: Exquisite Food Art That Brings Nature to the Plate
Leonardo, Frida and the Others: The History of Art, 800 Years - 100 Artists
Living in Tiny Homes: Big Ideas for Small Spaces by Marion Hellweg
London Shopfronts: Illustrations of the City's Best-Loved Spots
London's Great Theatres by Derry Moore
Magnetic North: Imagining Canada in Painting 1910--1940 by Martina Weinhart